What is Scala Stream? How Scala Stream Works?

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In Scala, a Stream is a lazily evaluated, immutable data structure that represents a sequence of elements. It is similar to a List, but its elements are computed only when they are accessed. This can be useful when dealing with large or infinite sequences of data.

How Stream works in Scala?

As we have seen that scala stream is lazy list, they are like list on scala with only difference is that their element are computed lazily not at once. Only the element’s which we request are computed thus increases the performance of our program. But stream in scala is fast.


varmystm = 10 #:: 20 #:: 30 #:: Stream.empty

In this the head of the stream is 10 and 20, 30 are the tails of the stream. So in output also the head will be printed but not the tail because they have not been computed yet. In this we have 3 elements in the stream.

Here’s an example of creating a stream in Scala:

scalaCopy codeval myStream = Stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

In this example, we create a Stream containing the integers 1 through 5. Note that this Stream is immutable and cannot be modified.

To access the elements of a Stream, we can use the head and tail methods. The head method returns the first element of the Stream, while the tail method returns a new Stream containing all elements except the first one.

Here’s an example of using head and tail on a Stream:

scalaCopy codeval myStream = Stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
println(myStream.head) // prints 1
println(myStream.tail.head) // prints 2

In this example, we access the first and second elements of the Stream using the head and tail methods.

One important feature of Streams is their laziness. This means that elements are computed only when they are accessed, which can improve performance when dealing with large or infinite sequences of data. For example, consider the following Stream of Fibonacci numbers:

scalaCopy codelazy val fib: Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(0, Stream.cons(1, fib.zip(fib.tail).map { case (a, b) => a + b }))

In this example, we define a Stream fib that contains the Fibonacci sequence. Note that we use the lazy val keyword to create a lazily evaluated Stream. We also use the Stream.cons method to construct the Stream and the zip and map methods to compute the Fibonacci sequence.

Examples of Scala Stream

  1. Generate a Stream of even numbers:
scalaCopy codeval evenNumbers = Stream.from(2).filter(_ % 2 == 0)

In this example, we use the Stream.from method to create a Stream of integers starting from 2, and then use the filter method to filter out all odd numbers.

  1. Generate a Stream of Fibonacci numbers:
scalaCopy code<code>lazy val fib: Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(0, Stream.cons(1, fib.zip(fib.tail).map { case (a, b) =&gt; a + b }))

In this example, we define a lazily evaluated Stream fib that contains the Fibonacci sequence. We use the Stream.cons method to construct the Stream and the zip and map methods to compute the Fibonacci sequence.

  1. Generate a Stream of prime numbers:
scalaCopy code<code>def primes(numbers: Stream[Int]): Stream[Int] = {
  Stream.cons(numbers.head, primes(numbers.tail.filter(_ % numbers.head != 0)))

val primeNumbers = primes(Stream.from(2))

4. Applying Predefined Methods

In the following example, we have used some predefined methods like toStream, which is used to iterate stream elements.

import scala.collection.immutable._  
object MainObject{  
    def main(args:Array[String]){  
        var stream = 100 #:: 200 #:: 85 #:: Stream.empty  
        var stream2 = (1 to 10).toStream  
        var firstElement = stream2.head  


Stream(100, ?)
Stream(1, ?)
Stream(1, ?)
Stream(200, ?)

In this example, we define a recursive function primes that generates a Stream of prime numbers. We use the Stream.cons method to construct the Stream and the filter method to remove all numbers that are divisible by the current prime number.

What is Scala Stream? How Scala Stream Works?
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