Top 30 Interview Question Answer For Intermediate Developer

As an AI language model, I can provide you with some tips on how to answer some common interview questions for intermediate developers. However, please note that these answers are meant to be general guidelines and should be tailored to your specific experience and the job you are applying for.

1.Can you walk me through your experience with [programming language or framework]?

Answer: Be honest about your experience with the language or framework. Highlight specific projects you worked on and the tasks you completed using the language or framework. If you don’t have a lot of experience, emphasize your willingness to learn and your enthusiasm for the technology.

2.How do you approach problem-solving when encountering a coding issue?

Answer: Explain your process for identifying and solving coding issues. This might include breaking down the problem into smaller parts, researching the issue, or asking for help from other developers. Highlight your ability to work independently while also being a team player.

3.What is your experience with version control systems, such as Git?

Answer: Describe your experience with Git and how you have used it in the past. Highlight your ability to collaborate with other developers and manage code changes effectively.

4.Can you explain the difference between a stack and a queue, and provide examples of when each would be useful?

Answer: Provide a clear and concise explanation of the differences between a stack and a queue. Give examples of when each data structure might be used, such as a stack for undoing actions in a text editor or a queue for processing tasks in a background job.

5.Have you worked with databases before? If so, can you explain your experience with them?

Answer: Describe your experience working with databases, including any specific technologies or tools you have used. Highlight your ability to design efficient and scalable database schemas and write complex SQL queries.

6.Can you give an example of a challenging project you’ve worked on, and how you overcame any obstacles you encountered?

Answer: Describe a project that you found challenging and explain how you overcame any obstacles you encountered. Emphasize your problem-solving skills and your ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.

7.How do you keep up with the latest developments and trends in your field?

Answer: Describe how you stay current with the latest developments and trends in your field. This might include attending conferences, following industry blogs and podcasts, or participating in online communities.

8.Can you explain object-oriented programming and provide an example of how you’ve used it in your work?

Answer: Provide a clear explanation of object-oriented programming and describe how you have used it in your past work. Give an example of how you have designed classes and objects to solve a specific problem.

9.How do you ensure the code you write is efficient and scalable?

Answer: Explain how you design and write efficient and scalable code. This might include using algorithms and data structures that are optimized for performance or designing code that can handle large amounts of data or traffic.

10.Have you ever worked remotely before? How did you stay motivated and productive?

Answer: Describe your experience working remotely and highlight your ability to stay motivated and productive in a remote work environment. Discuss any tools or techniques you have used to manage your time and stay organized.

11.Can you explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?

Answer: Provide a clear explanation of synchronous and asynchronous programming and give examples of when each might be used. Highlight your ability to work with different programming paradigms and understand complex systems.

12.How do you handle debugging and troubleshooting errors in your code?

Answer: Explain your process for debugging and troubleshooting errors in your code. This might include using tools like debuggers or logging frameworks or following a systematic approach to isolating and fixing bugs.

13.What’s the difference between a Full Stack Engineer and a Full Stack Developer?

A Full-Stack engineer is someone with a senior-level role with the experience of a Full-Stack developer, but with project management experience in system administration (configuring and managing computer networks and systems). 

14.What is polling?

Polling is a method by which a client asks the server for new data frequently. Polling can be done in two ways: Long polling and Short Polling.

  • Long polling is a development pattern that surpasses data from server to client with no delay. 
  • Short polling calls at fixed delays and is based AJAX-based.

15.What’s the difference between GET and POST?

The following table compares the GET and POST:

GET is used to request data from a specified resource.POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource.
Can be bookmarkedCannot be bookmarked
Can be cachedNot cached
Parameters remain in the browser historyParameters are not saved in the browser history
Data is visible to everyone in the URLData is not displayed in the URL
Only ASCII characters allowedBinary data is also allowed

16.What’s the difference between abstract and interface?

The following table compares the abstract and interface:

An abstract class can have abstract and non-abstract methodsThe interface can have only abstract methods.
An abstract class can have static, non-static, final, and non-final variables.The interface has only static and final variables.
An abstract class can provide the implementation of the interface. Interface can’t provide the implementation of an abstract class.
An abstract class can be extended using the keyword “extends”.An interface can be implemented using the keyword “implements”.
A Java abstract class can have class members like private, protected, etc.Members of a Java interface are public by default.

17.How can you prevent a bot from scraping a publicly accessible API?

If the data within the API is publicly accessible, then it’s not possible to prevent data scraping completely. However, there is an effective solution that will deter most people/bots: rate-limiting (throttling).

Throttling will prevent a specific device from making a defined number of requests within a defined time. Upon exceeding the specified number of requests, 429 Too Many Attempts  HTTP error should be thrown.

Other possible solutions to prevent a bot from scrapping are:

  • Blocking requests based on the user agent string
  • Generating temporary “session” access tokens for visitors at the front end

18.What is RESTful API?

REST stands for representational state transfer. A RESTful API (also known as REST API) is an architectural style for an application programming interface (API or web API) that uses HTTP requests to obtain and manage information. That data can be used to POST, GET, DELETE, and OUT data types, which refers to reading, deleting, creating, and operations concerning services.

19.What is a callback in JavaScript?

A callback in JavaScript is a function passed as an argument into another function, that is then requested inside the outer function to make some kind of action or routine. JavaScript callback functions can be used synchronously and asynchronously. APIs of the node are written in such a way that they all support callbacks.

20. What do you mean by data attributes?

Data Attributes are used to store custom data private to the application or page. They allow us to store extra data on the standard, semantic HTML elements. The stored data can be used in JavaScript’s page to create a more engaging user experience.

Data attribute consists of two parts:

  • Must contain at least one character long after the prefix “data-” and should not contain uppercase letters.
  • An attribute can be a string value.

21. What’s the difference between “resetting” and “normalizing” CSS?

Removes all the built-in browser styling.Normalizing makes elements render consistently across browsers.
Provides bug fixesIncludes bug fixes

22. What does ACID mean in Database systems?

Acronym ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. In database systems, ACID refers to a standard set of properties that ensure database transactions are processed reliably. 

23. How is rolling deployment different from blue-green deployment?

  • In a rolling deployment, a new version of the application gradually replaces the previous one. Upgrading the system takes a period of time, and both old and new versions will coexist without affecting user experience or functionality in that phase.
  • In a blue-green deployment, two identical production environments work in parallel. One is a blue environment that runs the production environment by receiving all user traffic. Another one is the green environment which you want to upgrade. Both use the same database backend and app configuration. If you swap the environment from blue to green, then traffic is directed towards a green environment.

24. What is an Application server?

An application server is a software framework that allows the creation of both web applications and server environments. It contains a comprehensive service layer model and supports various protocols and application programming interfaces (API).

25. What is referential transparency?

Referential transparency is a term used in functional programming to replace the expression without changing the final result of the program. This means that whether the input used is a reference or an actual value that the reference is pointing to the program’s behavior is not changed.

26. What are the differences between Server-side Scripting and Client-side Scripting? 

Basis for comparisonServer-side scriptingClient-side scripting
DefinitionWorks in backend and not visible to the client-side.Works in frontend and scripts are visible among users.
ProcessingServer Interaction requiredInteraction with the server is not required
LanguagesRuby on Rails, PHP,, Python, ColdFusion, etc.CSS, HTML, JavaScript, etc.
SecurityRelatively SecureInsecure

27. What are the types of design patterns?

In general, a design pattern is a repeatable solution for common problems occurring in software design. These patterns show the interactions and relationships between classes and objects.

Mainly, there are three types of design patterns:

  • Creational – These are about object creation or class instantiation. Further, these patterns are categorized into object-creational patterns and class-creational patterns.
  • Structural – These are about organizing different classes and objects to form larger functionality and provide new functionality.
  • Behavioral – These are about identifying common communication patterns between objects.

28. What’s the difference between normalization and denormalization?

Normalization is used to reduce data redundancy and data inconsistently from the table.Denormalization is used to add redundancy to execute queries.
Data integrity is maintainedData integrity is not maintained
In normalization, no of tables is increased.In denormalization, no of tables is decreased.
Normalization optimizes the usage of disk space.Denormalization does not optimize the disk spaces.

29.Name a few ways to optimize a website to be as efficient and scalable as possible?

The following ways are used to optimize the website:

  • Optimize all assets
  • Enable gzipping
  • Defer parsing of JavaScript
  • Avoid inline JavaScript, CSS, and duplicate code
  • Reduce DNS lookups
  • Serve scaled images
  • Specify image dimensions
  • Minimize request size
  • Leverage browser caching

30.How would you swap two numbers without using a third variable?

  • Declare two variables and initialize them with values.
  • Make b the sum of both numbers.
  • Then subtract the sum (b) from a, so a is now swapped.
  • Lastly, subtract a from the sum (b), so b is also swapped.

int a = 10;

int b = 20;

b = b + a; // now b is sum of both the numbers

a = b – a; // b – a = (b + a) – a = b (a is swapped)

b = b – a; // (b + a) – b = a (b is swapped)

Top 30 Interview Question Answer For Intermediate Developer
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