Introduction to the Basic Features of Scala

If You are interested to learn about the Scala Classes & Object

Scala Is Used for Building Data-Intensive, Distributed Applications and Systems. Scala is a general-purpose programming language built on the Java virtual machine.It implies that you can develop big data systems, back-end code for mobile apps, and web applications and services with Scala.

There are following features of scala:

  • Type inference
  • Singleton object
  • Immutability
  • Lazy computation
  • Case classes and Pattern matching
  • Concurrency control
  • String interpolation
  • Higher order function
  • Traits
  • Rich collection set

Type Inference

In Scala, you are not required to explicitly state the data type and function return type. Scala is intelligent enough to determine the kind of data. The type of the function’s final expression determines the return type of the function.

Singleton object

There are no static variables or functions in Scala. Singleton objects, or classes having just one object in the source file, are used by Scala. Instead of the class keyword, the word “object” is used to declare singleton objects.


Scala incorporates the concept of immutability. By default, each declared variable is immutable. Its value cannot be changed because it is immutable. Moreover, you can make variables that can be modified. Play Movie

Concurrency control requires managing data, which is made easier by immutable data.

Lazy Computation

Computation is lazy by default in Scala. Only when necessary, Scala evaluates expressions. By utilising the lazy keyword, you can declare a lazy variable. It is employed to boost performance.

Case classes and Pattern matching

Case classes in Scala are simply normal classes that can be broken down using pattern matching and are immutable by default.

Every argument listed in the case class is by default public and immutable.

Pattern matching is supported by case classes. As a result, your code will be more logical.

Concurrency control

The actor model is part of the standard library that Scala offers. Actor can be used to create concurrency-related programming. Akka is a platform and tool that Scala also offers to manage concurrency. A different open source framework called Akka offers actor-based concurrency. Akka actors can be paired with software transactional memory or distributed.

String Interpolation

Scala now provides a new method for generating strings from your data as of version 2.10.0. String interpolation is the term for it. Users can directly incorporate variable references in processed string literals by using string interpolation. The three string interpolation techniques offered by Scala are s, f, and raw.

Higher Order Functions

A higher order function is one that either returns another function or accepts another function as a parameter. In other terms, a higher order function is a function that interacts with another function.

You can create function composition, lambda functions, anonymous functions, etc. using higher order functions.


A trait is like an interface with a partial implementation. In Scala, trait is a collection of abstract and non-abstract methods. You can create trait that can have all abstract methods or some abstract and some non-abstract methods.

Traits are compiled into Java interfaces with corresponding implementation classes that hold any methods implemented in the traits.

Rich Set of Collection

Scala provides rich set of collection library. It contains classes and traits to collect data. These collections can be mutable or immutable. You can use it according to your requirement. Scala.collection.mutable package contains all the mutable collections. You can add, remove and update data while using this package.

Scala.collection.immutable package contains all the immutable collections. It does not allow you to modify data.

Some other Features of Scala programming language
Scala programming language is modern pure object oriented programming language and there are various features of Scala which makes it the most demanded programming language. So, let’s discuss in detail the main features of Scala programming language.

  1. General purpose
    Scala programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means it can be used by programmers to develop different types of applications and programs.
  2. Object oriented programming
    Scala programming language is considered as a pure object oriented programming language and it follows all the concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, and encapsulation, etc.
  3. Typing disciplines
    Scala programming language support different types of typing disciplines like static, strong, structured and inferred.
  4. Platform
    Programmers can run Scala programming languages on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and other platforms.
  5. Interoperability
    Scala programming language also provides the feature of interoperability. With this, Scala can use the Java codes and similarly Java can use the codes of Scala programming language.
  6. Multi paradigm
    Scala programming language support multi paradigm like imperative, functional, concurrent and Object oriented.
  7. Extensible
    Scala programming language is a extensible programming language.
Introduction to the Basic Features of Scala
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