Differentiation of Animation supported by ReactJs

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React Reveal is an animation framework for React. It has basic animations such as fade, flip, zoom, rotate and a lot of more advanced animations. It allows you to control all animations with props, for example: the position, delay, distance, cascade and many others

The animation is a technique in which images are manipulated to appear as moving images. It is one of the most used technique to make an interactive web application. In React, we can add animation using an explicit group of components known as the React Transition Group.

React Transition Group is an add-on component for managing component states and useful for defining entering and exiting transitions. It is not able to animate styles by itself. Instead, it exposes transition states, manages classes and group elements, and manipulates the DOM in useful ways. It makes the implementation of visual transitions much easier.

React Transition group has mainly two APIs to create transitions. These are:

  1. ReactTransitionGroup: It uses as a low-level API for animation.
  2. ReactCSSTransitionGroup: It uses as a high-level API for implementing basic CSS transitions and animations.


We need to install react-transition-group for creating animation in React Web application. You can use the below command.

$ npm install react-transition-group --save  

React Transition Group Components

React Transition Group API provides three main components. These are:

  1. Transition
  2. CSSTransition
  3. Transition Group


It has a simple component API to describe a transition from one component state to another over time. It is mainly used to animate the mounting and unmounting of a component. It can also be used for in-place transition states as well.

We can access the Transition component into four states:

  • entering
  • entered
  • exiting
  • exited


The CSSTransition component uses CSS stylesheet classes to write the transition and create animations. It is inspired by the ng-animate library. It can also inherit all the props of the transition component. We can divide the “CSSTransition” into three states. These are:

  • Appear
  • Enter
  • Exit

CSSTransition component must be applied in a pair of class names to the child components. The first class is in the form of name-stage and the second class is in the name-stage-active. For example, you provide the name fade, and when it applies to the ‘enter’ stage, the two classes will be fade-enter and fade-enter-active. It may also take a prop as Timeout which defines the maximum time to animate.


This component is used to manage a set of transition components (Transition and CSSTransition) in a list. It is a state machine that controls the mounting and unmounting of components over time. The Transition component does not define any animation directly. Here, how ‘list’ item animates is based on the individual transition component. It means, the “TransitionGroup” component can have different animation within a component. Let us see the example below, which clearly help to understand the React Animation.


In the App.js file, import react-transition-group component, and create the CSSTransition component that uses as a wrapper of the component you want to animate. We are going to use transitionEnterTimeout and transitionLeaveTimeout for CSS Transition. The Enter and Leave animations used when we want to insert or delete elements from the list.

import React, { Component } from 'react';  
import { CSSTransitionGroup } from 'react-transition-group';  
class App extends React.Component {  
    constructor(props) {  
    this.state = {items: ['Blockchain', 'ReactJS', 'TypeScript', 'JavaTpoint']};  
    this.handleAdd = this.handleAdd.bind(this);  
  handleAdd() {  
    const newItems = this.state.items.concat([  
      prompt('Enter Item Name')  
    this.setState({items: newItems});  
  handleRemove(i) {  
    let newItems = this.state.items.slice();  
    newItems.splice(i, 1);  
    this.setState({items: newItems});  
  render() {  
    const items = this.state.items.map((item, i) => (  
      <div key={item} onClick={() => this.handleRemove(i)}>  
    return (  
    <h1>Animation Example</h1>  
            <button onClick={this.handleAdd}>Insert Item</button>  
export default App;  


import React from 'react';  
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';  
import App from './App.js';  
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));  


Add style.css file in your application, and add the following CSS styles. Now, to use this CSS file, you need to add the link of this file in your HTML file.

.example-enter {  
  opacity: 0.01;  
.example-enter.example-enter-active {  
  opacity: 1;  
  transition: opacity 500ms ease-in;  
.example-leave {  
  opacity: 1;  
.example-leave.example-leave-active {  
  opacity: 0.01;  
  transition: opacity 300ms ease-in;  

In the above example, the animation durations are specified in both the CSS and render method. It tells React component when to remove the animation classes from the list and if it is leaving when to remove the element from the DOM.


When we execute the above program, it gives the below output.

React Animation

Click on ‘Insert Item‘ button, the following screen appears.

React Animation

Once we insert the item and press Ok, the new item can be added in the list with fade in style. Here, we can also delete any item from the list by clicking on the particular link.

React Animation

React Spring

While animation using CSS is very common, we can create complex animations using libraries like React Spring. React Spring comes with very powerful transitions, spring, trails, and supports React Hooks and React JS class components.

When building animations using JavaScript, frameworks, and libraries will usually delegate the control flow of the animation to JavaScript while using CSS to make the transformations.

This has big advantages as the animation can be dynamic and evolve by simply changing the code or controlling it with the full power of JavaScript, but it also has some drawbacks as you may guess. React Spring is a perfect example of this type of implementation, and what better way to explain it than with an example:

const animation = useSpring({
    from: {transform: 'translateY(0px)' },
    to: async next => {
        while (true) {
            await next({transform: 'translateY(-200px)'});
            await next({transform: 'translateY(0px)'});

The example is the same animation we built using CSS and keyframes, but this time we use React Spring and JavaScript to control the flow of the animation.

We start by providing a from property with the CSS of our initial state, and then we have a to property with our final values. What’s very interesting is that the to state can be a function, and inside such a function, we can build multiple steps or have an endless loop animation as is our case.

Framer Motion

Framer Motion works in a very similar way to React Spring, in fact, React Spring was based on the design of Framer Motion. However, there are some differences. Framer Motion prefers a more declarative approach for defining transitions, everything can be simply done by tunning properties on an animation object.

Let’s see our example, now using the amazing library:

<motion.div transition={{
      y: {
          duration: 1,
          yoyo: Infinity,  
          ease: "easeIn",
    animate={{ y: ["0px", "-200px"] }}>
    <div className="ball"></div>

Our animation object expects 2 properties, an animation that defines the changes in the properties, and a transition object that defines how those properties change.


The web used to be this boring, but now web applications are a delight and animations play a crucial role in it. When done well they can enhance the user experience, however, don’t abuse it, too many of them and it can actually hurt UX.

With the importance of animations, React needed solid solutions to keep web applications on top of the trend, and today we listed a few ways you can make your application stand out by animating its components.

Differentiation of Animation supported by ReactJs
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